[ Custom-made hi-fi system. A personal approach to quality musical reproduction. ] |
© Eduard de Cáceres. 2005
I call back the last 80’s when I first approached hi-fi or, as I’d rather say, equipment for quality music reproduction. It’s difficult to determine the borderline between hi-fi and consumer electronics. My experience with that kind of equipment starts with...
- CD460 Philips
- Amplifier – integrated - Cambridge Audio P70
- Speakers Monitor Audio MD/352
- Cables by Qued
...up to my present equipment configuration. You can imagine that a lot of changes have taken place, but I could summarize it in three periods:
- 1989-1993: trying to improve the components and introduction of the analogue source
- 1993-1996: a hint in multi-way, multi amplification, active and passive
- 1996 the discovery of Full Range speakers and return to tubes

Eduard de Cáceres system
In my latitudes not only one can find retailers and experts, but some true professionals live around. Well, after having seen, listened and read a lot, my position has been determined to find professionals capable of doing what I would like to be my equipment. Why? Often we read about “component-synergy” and this I what find the key, as I firmly believe that a wise combination of simple equipment can give far better results than a bad or mediocre combination of high-end components. On the top, and when we finally come across loudspeakers, one must take into account that they need to work in a given room. So after a long process I have configured my system paying my attention to two main
points: custom made components made in Spain that fullfil my needs and classic equipment. Let's see first the custom made components:
- Marsias Mk II Speakers – AER Full Range in TQWT / bass reinforced 2nd way (10” Marià Moya ). Implementation by Marià Moya 2003 (Castellterçol)

- Marsias Mk II speakers
- Figueras tube Pre-amplifier: as always a customized version of the well known design by this great “connoisseur” of vintage audio Jaume Figueras. In my case in a Marantz 3200 box and featuring transformers for moving coils: Sowter (3-100 Ohms) in the Phono MC section. Implementation by Jaume Figueras 2004 (Barcelona)

- Figueras tube preamp
- Single Ended tube KRVV32B (i.e. before Alesa Vaic “quit” KR, and probable the best implementation of the evolutions of the classic 300B: they were used by American manufacturer Art Audio). Dream Tubes (Valencia).

- Single Ended KRVV32B mono tube amps
Second, the classic equipment divided in:
- EMT 948 + Denon DL103R. I relieve the 14 Ohm of the “R” version make it more adequate for the EMT MC transformers than the 40 Ohms of the “standard” version. If Rega was “plug and play”, this one is simple and better. A turntable to forget about turntables.
- EMT 948 + Denon DL103R
- EMT 930 + several carts. A great turntable, It allows one to play old 78’s. Needs some fine adjustments: electronic speed regulations and a decent plinth. To come soon.

- EMT 930

- Detail of the EMT 930

- Detail of the EMT 930
- Thorens TD124 Mk I + SME 3009 + several carts. The audiophile faces the professional. Refinements as lower vibration, de-coupling via intermediate Wheel and belt (EMT 930 wheel only) and a decent mechanical speed regulation. However the EMT’s 15 Kg. of moving mass are audible.

- Thorens TD124 Mk I with SME 3009 tonearm
With these classics I also use a Rega P9 and SACD 1000 by Philips as digital source. But digital is not my cup of tea. The Philips is enough for me, until the day it breaks down (In the past I had expensive gear such as Audio Note – DAC 2 and 3 – Marantz – CD15- and Theta Digital).
- Leak Stereo 20. A marvel of ... 1962 (before I was born). It’s not the better amp, but it is still hard to find something as competent among modern amplifiers.

- Leak Stereo 20
- Michaelson & Austin TVA-1: an excellent tube amplifier. Possibly the best and more versatile I’ve ever used. However doesn’t match quite well with my loudspeakers. An excellent choice to move nice little monitors.
- McIntosh C-32. A good preamp, and a true control amp too. Perfect function and reliability since ... 1977.

- McIntosh C-32 preamp
Finally I also have several cables...but my scepticism grows day by day if we talk about cables. I used to buy better cables in 1995 when I purchased my WireWorld’s – them at a reasonable price then -. Now I’ve improved the interconnects of my EMT 930 with simple Tasker (1 euro/meter)...it still sounds perfect, and look even nicer than the originals.
What have I learnt all along these years?...The best is to enjoy music as you want.
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