[ Bell 2200B ]

Technical specifications

I bought these power amps in the spring of 2005. They are a pair of mono tube amps made by Bell Sound Systems, a subsidiary of Thompson Products Inc., that later became Thompson Ramo Wooldridge. The amps area in pretty good condition, although they are been serviced rigth now (july of 2005) at Amptek. With the agreement of the Amptek technicians we have decided to replace all the components out of tolerances and change the rectifier tubes and the 6SL7GTA in both amps.

I have bought these amps with almost none information about them. In fact I have only found the 1953 Sams Photofacts of the amps kindly provided by an USA audiophile. Bell Sound Systems is mentioned in hifi magazines of the 50s as a subsidiary of Thompson Products Inc., an electronics company who focused later in military applications. In addition to these amps the company also manufactured many other hifi equipment for domestic and PA use. And that's all!. If anybody else has any additional information about the company or the 2200B amps I will be very happy to know it and publish it. As I said before Bell Sound Systems placed ads in the magazines of the 50s and below you can find one of them from the February 1958 issue of High Fidelity magazine.

  • Bell Sound Systems ad in Feb. 1958 High Fidelity magazine.

  • Here I show you some images of the amps. I will show you more when the restoration process is finished.

    August 28th, 2006-After some months of intensive work on them, the Bell power amps are now in perfect working order. All the signal and power supply capacitors have been changed in order to get the best performence for both amps. The Bell 2200B were made circa 1953 and they are the oldest amps I have. During all these years the amps have had hard moments so now they are in need of care. While I take some pics of the amps in their new condition, here you have a new Bell vinatge ad gently provided by my friend Eduard de Cáceres.

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